If you look closely at medical insurance in the US, you will see that not all of them cover your dental needs. Although oral health is closely linked to overall wellness, you still need to get separate dental insurance if you want full coverage. When employers purchase insurance for their employees, they always consider medical, life, and accidental insurance as major priorities. However, not all include dental insurance in the equation.

In one survey, eighty-seven percent of respondents see a company as more desirable if it offers employees dental benefits. You provide much security to your employees by offering dental insurance, but they are not the only ones who stand to gain. By providing this coverage, you also get the following advantages:

1: Preventive dental care plays a vital role in controlling medical costs

Oral health is said to be the window to one’s overall health, and that statement is true. The state of a person’s gums, teeth, and mouth can say so much about their current health condition. The mouth is one of the body’s main entry points. When bacteria are present in one’s mouth, they can directly enter other critical parts of the body, such as the respiratory system and digestive tract.

Having access to in-depth oral care can prevent conditions such as cancer and diabetes. Moreover, oral checkups can help detect various diseases, as most of their symptoms are evident through the mouth. Early detection and preventative care can help ensure the health of your people. It will also lessen emergency costs for the organization.

2: Improve the organization’s productivity

People can tolerate many kinds of illness, but pain is hard to ignore when it is anything dental-related. When employees experience oral health problems, it leads to absences and decreased productivity for the company. Offering access to dental care can encourage more employees to have their regular oral checkups and cleaning. It provides early problem detection and prevents issues from getting worse.

Moreover, you are sure that what you are paying for will not be put to waste. Sixty-eight percent of all employees owning employer-sponsored dental insurance enroll in dental benefits.

3: A key factor to retaining your best employees and attracting new ones

Benefits are one of the factors considered by most employees when it comes to job hunting. In fact, many employees willingly accept average pay as long as the benefits make up for it. A survey featured by Harvard Business Review found that eighty percent of the employees interviewed would prefer better benefits over a pay increase.

As mentioned earlier in this article, dental coverage is one of the top benefits employees want to receive from their employers. The happier your employees are, the more loyal they can be.


Consider including dental benefits in your employee package. Besides giving your employees one more benefit that they deserve, you give them more reasons to be productive, happy, and satisfied with the company they are working for. It will help improve everyone’s overall health, keep their healthcare expenses low, and help the company attract the best talents. Are you looking for dental insurance for your small company? We can help you. abbot insurance brokers can provide you with expert guidance when it comes to selecting group insurance. We are more than insurance brokers; we make sure our clients get the dental, medical, life, and disability protection they need. Contact us today to learn more.