Bachelor of Arts in Social Science Composite from Sam Houston State University
15 years experience of Sales and Marketing with 3 of it being in the Small Group Benefits arena, 5 years of Operations and Logistics management experience.
Community involvement
Involved at The Brook Church as a member of the Tech Team, Men’s Ministry Leader, and also serve as a Small Group Leader. Serve on our community Homeowners Association Board of Directors. 4-H Certified Rifle Coach for 4-H Shooting Sports in Harris County. Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Transportation Committee Volunteer.
I have been a resident of Tomball for almost 20 years. Married to wife, Shayla in 2006. We have 2 girls, Avery & Zoe who are in school in Tomball ISD. Both are active in Volleyball, Soccer, 4-H, and Student Ministry activities
What I Love Doing
Agriculture/ranching, civics, High School Football (Friday Night Lights), cooking and preparing meals for large groups of people